What Is Courage?

What is courage

This thing that makes a great person.

This substance that some people have and others don’t.

Is it the bravery to do things that would make others choke?

Is it the crazy feeling that makes you risk your life,

to right the wrongs of the world, come what may?

Is it a disease that is infecting the nation, making heroes out of fools?

When a Man risk his life to change a world that sometimes don’t want to change.

People such as Martin Luther king, Malcom X and Maya Angelou

Did their courage wane from their fears, or was it bolstered despite the onslaught

Are you born with courage or can you create it.

Do you have to exercise it,

Make some potion that gives you it,

Can you suck the courage out of someone,

Leaving them a broken shell of a man.

Could it be


That deep inside us all, be we coward, madman, ordinary person

If we believe in our god given purpose, and strive unending to our goals

we will find all the courage to persevere despite the storm.