The Decision

speaking out in a silenced voice,
having to be the best,
having to be in power,
dominence coursing through the veins,
big sister to everyone,
protector if needed,
bloody quarter spinning fast,
then stopping quick,
the fast slick metel coming quickly at your knuckles,
don't flinch,
don't show weakness,
appraisel of a nice shot going deeper into the already split, bloody skin,
the already cracked knuckle,
never giving up,

fantasy worlds crossing over into the real one,
only looking for escape,
only wanting exceptance,
constantly living in fake worlds,
where there is high power,
and the dead walk the earth,
that one violent place,
the one you wish to go to,

escape to an island,
or Jersey,
or even the world i make up,

Children of the Corn going over and over in my head,
exceptance and power in one movie,
the blood of the ones you hate spilling out,
"the blood is for the corn",
the children laugh,
just another world I'd rather be,

"the red ones make me fly" i wish i could fly,
"the blue ones help me fall" I'm always falling,
deeper and deeper into depression and despair,
"I think I'll blow my brains against the cyling" a great escape