Structured Integrity

They tell you to just be you,
But then you smile
And your teeth just won’t do.
They tell you to always be happy,
But then you lose someone,
And you’re too depressing.
They tell you it’s okay to be different,
But you’re a vibrant blue,
And you’re strange and insignificant.
They tell you embrace your body,
But you’re too big or too small,
And you’re a disgusting nobody.
They tell you words can’t hurt,
You listen and refuse to let them,
So your name is dragged through the dirt.
They tell you your imperfections are lovely,
But you embrace and appreciate them,
So suddenly you’re ugly.
They tell you your nose is just right,
But then they look down theirs,
Because they see you in a different light.
They tell you it’ll get better, it’ll be alright
But when it doesn’t change right away,
The encouragement fades out of sight.
They tell you to love everyone,
But when you try,
They laugh and tell you you aren’t the one.
They tell you to follow your dreams,
So you do and you’re happy,
But its not good enough for anybody.
They tell you to do so many things,
But once you do,
They tell you you’re nothing,
They tell you you will succeed,
But when you’re at the top,
They say you’ll start falling.
They’ll tell you you’re the greatest they’ve seen,
But their eyes were closed,
And they weren’t even listening.
They’ll want you to believe it all,
Trust them and do what they say,
But they really just want to watch the fall.
They’ll laugh as you climb to the top,
Because as you sweat and bleed,
They’ll already be there wondering what took so long.
They let you believe they care,
They’ll make you trust their every beginning word,
Because they know you’re scared.
They know you’re insecure and they’ll use it,
They’ll sneak in through the back,
Whisper in your ear, sully you with their spit.
They want to catch you, tame you,
Break you so they can ride on your back,
Train you so you’ll be a puppet,
Take every word for fact.
They want you to do what they want you to do,
What you want and what you need it doesn’t matter,
Because you’re here to do what they tell you.