Lost Royalty

I was lost and I never thought I'd meet someone of royalty in this hotel
An unexpected meeting? A fated meeting? A one life time thing?
From the first time we laid eyes on each other, our fate was sealed.
We become one. We fell in love, but then you went and died,
and our parting was wrong in so many ways
We had so much we wanted to do, so many dreams to fulfil,
and yet we had to part like this.
Now all I have left is those dreams,
and I'm gonna do my best for your share too.
You live within me, so have no regrets.
Move on, and one day we'll be free together.
Though, I can't say the same thing for those who took your life,
but there's this thing called karma,
and they'll learn their lesson.
I don't wish for it, but they should have chosen a better job
than being well paid hired assassins.
I miss you and I love you, and you know that
for as long as I live I'm only yours.
♠ ♠ ♠
A promise to be together again on the next life. Written for http://www.mibba.com/Forums/Topic/188289/Februarys-Poem-Prompt-a-Thon/ using the word prompts (royalty, lost, parting) for February 8th, 2016.