I'm Not Art

I'm not art
And I don't wish to be
Darling I wouldn't want to
Be your masterpiece
and have strangers stare at my perplexed face
As I wonder why I'm letting boredom accumulate
And precious time is wasted away
While you try to fix brush strokes through the haze
I'm not art
And I don't want to be
Honey I don't wish to be your masterpiece
As if being in a frame strung up by a string
Stronger than my sense of self at the time of the creation
That caused the uproar in the minds of those I despise
Is the best thing that'll ever happen to the nameless, faceless ghost of m-?
Do I need to scream?
I feel sick knowing you think being an artist's muse is a blessing
When all it ever does is trickle down
With the future spectators
Eating up the mediocre piece
Like scraps of meat
Strewn haphazardly
To a starving feline on the street
Down it goes like caviar
While inside it tears the lining, the walls
I'll never be art
I am imperfect and I am strange
But I do not need you or saving
And I certainly will not be
Yours for the taking
Oh no! I'm not art
I can't scream anymore
They can't hear me through the oohs and aahs
And the sound echos through empty minds and hearts
Am I the one who is disgraced
The reason of being - a farce?