Dear Ana (Anorexia)

Dear Ana,
I looked at myself in the mirror today,
I looked and wondered what I could change today,
I wondered where I could steer to fix my “problem areas”,

An extra hour at the gym,
An extra couple minutes on the treadmill,
A few more crunches
Just for a flat stomach like in those magazines,
A few less calories here, a few less there,
A few more minutes in the bathroom just in case I had too much that day,

Are you happy Ana?
Are you happy you killed another soul?
Are you happy the soul of what use to be a;
Driven young girl,
The one who could bring a smile to anyone,
Is dead?

That soul is gone and it’s because of you,
The body the soul was in worries about one thing,

Did I achieve my weight goal?

Are you happy Ana?
You should be…you got what you wanted.
The soul who was once in that body, can’t come back.
Are you happy Ana?

You’re a murderer.