
What do you see when you look at me?
What do you think when you look at me?
What do you feel when you look at me?
How do you act when you're around me?
If your answers were nothing to bizarre, What would change if I told you I've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, take meds daily, see a psychologist weekly, a psychiatrist monthly, and have been hospitalized before?
Now what do you see?
What do you think?
What do you feel?
Now how do you act?
Anything change?
Do you feel uncomfortable yet? Usually doesn't take long,
Want to know what I see?
I see someone who is squirming on the inside,
I think you are ignorant,
You make me feel uncomfortable,
I act normal but all I really want to do is kick your ass,
There has always been a stigma surrounding mental health,
Lets play a game of MythBusters shall we
Mental Health patients are not ticking time bombs,
No not every patient has daddy issues,
Patients hide their condition not because they are ashamed or embarrassed we hide because of you.
The majority of society is plagued by ignorance,
If I were to tell you I have a friend who has bipolar paranoid schizophrenia is the same as if I told you I have a friend who has diabetes,
And no you can NOT catch a Mental Health disease by standing to close to someone,
But I will develop an anger issue if I stand any closer to you,
Now if you excuse me I don't want to catch any of your stupidity I just got over idiocy last week and man is that one a doozy.