I'm Just

Can you see me standing right in front of you
I'm your kin; a friend you lost and the strangers you pass on the street
Look into my eyes do you acknowledge me
I'm the child you gave up, the baby you aborted and the kid that was stolen away
Look into my eyes do you see how much we look alike

I'm your kin, a friend you lost and the strangers you pass on the street
Cant you see it in my eyes
All the humanity we share

Can you see how much i look like those you know
Maybe now you think
Yes i can see my mothers eyes, fathers nose
But you will never know
I'm just trash that litters the street
The child you gave up
The baby you aborted and the kid that was stolen away

I'm your kin, a friend you lost and the strangers you pass on the street
Cant you see it in my eyes
All the humanity we share

I watch you run around chasing money
Never stopping to smell the earth
Never stopping to see the faces that entangle us
Your forgetting to kiss your kids, visit with old friends
Your forgetting what the real gold in life is
Your to busy trying to make your life worth something
Worth something before death tightens the rope one last time

I'm your kin, a friend you lost and the strangers you pass on the street
Cant you see it in my eyes
All the humanity we share

As i stand here in front of you i'm free
As free as i can be when deaths rope is chocking me
As you stare at me consciousness dawns like a setting sun
I can see it on your face that moment when clarity strikes
The moment when a child relies that dragons can be killed

I'm not kin nor a friend you lost
I'm not the child you gave up
The baby you aborted nor the kid that was stolen away
Just a stranger you pass on the street

Just a stranger you pass in the street
You will never see the humanity in me

But i can
I see the humanity
The strings that connect us all
We are all just cogs in the machine
Death is fare to everyone
And the only difference between me and you
Is that i would rather jump
Let deaths rope pull tight
So my feet dangle with gravity toe distance in reach
While you run around pretending you cant feel death slowly chocking you with each bated beat and breath your body takes

Can you see me know
Can you see me know
Standing here open and raw
Just for you
Just for you i open my soul
Because in the end
I'm your kin, a friend you lost and the strangers you pass on the street

Humanity is what makes us cogs
Philanthropy is what makes us humans