She Beckons

Life has its moments
Where you're reminded
why you're alive.
I'm standing outside,
Beneath the night sky.
I've drifted away,
Following droplets of rain
As thunder roars
All around me.
Trees are singing,
Rustling in the wind.
My arms are wrapped
around my waist,
clutching a blanket close.
The water can't touch me,
But I'm swimming with it.
All around me,
Nature is angry with force,
But she is beautiful.
Thunder screams
for some sort of apology
While lightning dances
through an echoing grey sky.
I can't look away,
Can't tear at my gaze.
Because in this moment,
I have forgotten everything
Except the vision before me.
If there is a god,
She has looked into my soul
And has promised me
Five minutes of bliss.
This is my moment.
I'm here, right now,
So I can witness this.