Midnight Mutes the Chiming

Midnight Mutes the Chiming

There’s nothing here
I’m surrounded by things and people
and entertainment that never ends
but there’s nothing here

My mind is empty
filled to the brim with stories
and movies and interesting facts
and I could pull from it and show you everything
but my mind is empty

There’s nobody near
they’re all around laughing and joking
and they’re waiting for me to say something
and I can interact with them
but there’s nobody near

My mind is a screaming silence
ideas bouncing through again and again
my room is filled with useless shit
but i keep buying and buying
my life is a world of loneliness
and all I have to do is reach out

But I can’t
I can’t reach out and
they don’t understand
They say its an easy fix
Just do it.
Just be someone you’re not.
But I’m already doing that.
They’re all strangers to me
and they think they know me
how to fix me
but I’m a broken clock
and I keep bouncing between seconds
I’m fine I’m not I’m fine
I’m not.