13 Ways to Look at the Supernatural Fandom

Among twenty blackened buildings
the only living things
were Lucifer’s demons, waiting on the sidelines.

I was of three species
Like a monster.
In which there are three families.

The leviathans cast back to hell
It was just a small part of Tumblr.

A man and a woman,
Are one creature.
Dean, Lisa, and Ben
Are one family.

I do not know which to prefer,
The beauty of Pie,
or the beauty of a lost shoe,
The fandoms calling, or just screaming.

The ice covers the window,
Making the glass shatter.
The salt circle is broken,
And in the ghost can go.
The fear
Traced in the features
A child is missing somewhere.

O little children of the world
Why do you not fear the dark?
For you should.
The bump in the night
Could be your last mistake.

I know Lucifer
And I know god.
Two entities battling for the lives of all
Two entities
Two birds, with one stone.

When the angels fell from heaven
The Impala came rolling along.
One of many deceptions..

At the sight of the pie
Dean collapses
At the sight of Ruby
Sam succumbs to submission.

They rode over America
Saving people
Hunting things
The family business.
For John was on a hunting trip,
and he hadn’t been home in a few days.

From Mary, to Jess, to the stranger on the street.
Yellow eyes had a plan.

The things that go bump
are almost never innocent.
From “Hey Assbutt”
to “I am god.”
The fans sit in wait.
Jittery, for their next fix.
♠ ♠ ♠
Had to read the poem 13 ways to look at a blackbird for senior poetry class in 2013. Assignment was to write our own 13 ways to look at.. poem...I chose the supernatural fandom