
I’m feeling all sorts of wrong today
That it makes me think of the pills hiding in the deepest pocket of my bag,
That have somehow become such urgent beings

And when I try to define the meaning of ‘wrong’ it only comes out in an incoherent rush
Like all the feelings of negativity and sadness I managed to keep at bay,
Deluding myself into thinking, ‘oh wow I’m finally okay’

They are back now in an angry vengeance and it did so all at once
Making it hard to navigate because all the blows come from every direction
And the lines between the reds and the greens start blurring that they bleed into each other
Making each color and each shade harder to tell apart

Trying to compartmentalize and categorize each thought and each feeling
Into one coherent being just so I can put a name on each of it
Because putting names on the faces of my demons makes me feel like I am in control; I am okay
And I am also wrong