
Wake up! It's time to feel!
Sympathy in yellow and blue – the broken eyes of
the unapologetic drag queens, the sequins of a night
unremembered – you dust the smoke from your sleeves
and the sun breaches the defences of your windows.
Do you remember names and faces? You've been caught
in between love and denial, a kiss on the salivating lips
and you hope you become richer. And now this body
in your bed is making you sick – his happy smile turns
your stomach and you wait for another season – the snow
brings love; or so your mother used to say.
Do you remember a life in freedom? You've been caught
in the same bed far too long - but who can blame you? It's
the price you pay for having a good time and at least your
bedroom's getting warmer. It could be the summer time.

It could be a land of make-believe!
Well unicorns and centaur hordes couldn't make
this barren glade interesting – the water slams
against a children's toy – the wooden train is rotting away
and our shame departs for places unknown. The rape
screams across the hillsides and time moves forward.
Eight years down! I don't feel shame anymore, but
I don't feel alive. The screaming stopped at the wrong time
but let's pretend your eyes are getting wider, and – in case
you were wondering – the ceiling is white and falling fast.
Eight years down! You've been caught pretending love
far too long – but who can blame you? I had your heart and
I threw up in it again and again. The pains in my head
are here again, I fall into sleeping sickness again.
What the hell are you doing here? It could be winter time.