As It Goes

Do you ever wonder, as each day passes by, if that was it?
Was that the best day, the best kiss, the hardest laugh?
Has it slipped our grasp?
Has it passed us by?
Do you question whether you missed your chance?
Do you think such great things...moments...people have the ability to repeat themselves?
I desperately hope this is true.
I pray good things come frequently, great things come often, and amazing things just might come in twos.
Because, god forbid, you don't realize the first time the rarity of what is at your finger tips, who is lying next to you at night, or the immensity of your happiness in a given moment.
I hope for all our sake that we get a chance to recognize this again, to identify what we had once overlooked.
You just never know if what you have given away out of naivety is the best you were meant to receive from life.
I beg life for second chances, I beg myself to appreciate everything the first time around.