No More

Stuck in my mind,
Alone for all time,
Careless, joyless,
I can't find,

Any use for my life,
Repeating the routine,
Day in and out,
Escape from my strife,

Whats my purpose,
For the deals I made,
With the devils,
The notorious serpents,

Empty deals,
For nothing planned,
Has gone my way,
It all keels over,

I look upon my story,
As another reminder,

I'm learning nothing,
I'm fading from their view,
I'm just decending,

I'm dying alone,
With no one to hold,
And so far from home,

What is my life,
One after another,
Stories siphoned to burn,

But together!
We can fight this,
The menial day to day,
This won't last, never!

Prove to the world your more than this,
More than just another statistic,
Don't put on one more fake smile,
Plaster happiness to your wounds,
Stitch your sorrows with rage,
And watch the world revolve around fixing the problems,
The more we speak out,
The more we get somewhere,
So raise your fists!
This is your anthem,

I'm learning nothing,
I'm fading from their view,
I'm just decending,

I'm dying alone,
With no one to hold,
And so far from home,

This won't be our last day here,
All alone,
We'll find the love we deserve,
Never again will we be flawed,
No more chains to fear.