My Book of Wrongs

Everything was falling apart like dust in the wind
and all I did, was let everything happen because I was weak.
I could hear their screams even in my sleep, yet I did nothing.
All they wanted was for him to stop, but he wouldn't listen.
That was my reality, a reality I didn't want to believe in.
So I did what I shouldn't have; I kept quiet.
Acting like nothing was wrong, I kept living my life,
pretending I wasn't seeing their bruises nor their scars.
Every single day seemed like the end of the world.

I had given up on every thought of trying to change him or save our kids,
and it was all my fault because I just let time pass by like nothing was wrong.
The scars my kids have are buried deep within them;
their small hearts, their youthful bodies, their pure souls...
He had destroyed our children, and he had destroyed us too.
I had to do something, a change was needed,
and he wasn't the one who was going to try for it.
So, I finally found it in me to do what I couldn't do,
I found the strength to do what I was so weak to even think of.

The world of make believe in which we lived in couldn't last anymore,
so I asked for help by taking our kids to a place he could no longer harm.
I begged them for forgiveness and cried tears of regret,
but for the first time in years, we were protected.
There was not a scratch nor a broken bone on our bodies,
no one was suffering by any kind of pain.
And when he was finally locked in jail, we danced to the joy of being alive.
The poison was already in our blood, but we finally had the cure.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sometimes enough is enough.

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