Thank You for Breaking my Heart

I keep thinking I should hate you
but when it comes down to it, I can't.
There's a million reasons why I ought to,
but I'll spare you the longwinded rant.
It all boils down to the pain you elicit
with your inability to be a real man.
Silly me, I thought growing up was implicit.
I didn't realize you were Peter Pan.
So while I could scream at you,
slap you, and wish you were dead
I wont. I'll take my leave calmly
and thank you instead.

I told you once I didn't know what love was.
For a minute you had me fooled
but even now I still haven't the slightest clue
what it is or what it does.
It's okay because after all I've been through
I can say with the utmost certainty
that I know just what love isn't and doesn't.
Thanks Lost Boy, for showing me the truth.
♠ ♠ ♠
I haven't written a poem in over five years so I apologize if this sucks. I think the whole rhyming thing got a little lost at the end but oh well.