Falling Apart

My hands are my biggest fear, they can take, they can give...
Life or death?
Suffer or headstrong?
Beauty in life, or disaster and destroyed..
Darkness engulfs me whole. I can't move. Why?
A blanket of responsibility, a little life to lift to age eighteen & forever.
Finding a hobby is a million years away in my mind, a single mother is priority in this life. The life that I chose, fate just is in the distance waiting for me to do as I please, & choose wisely.
I love to love, I hate to only let it go. A part of me wants to start over, then another part of me wants to achieve and love the life that my creator gave me. Truly blessed. My mindset that needs to be learned. I lost friends, through out this dark time. Only thing I can say is I'm sorry. I never wanted to be like this. Only I can save myself, truly save me. Rise from the ashes like a phoenix. Burning wings and a strong beating heart. People who I've lost are living life to the fullest. I'm on my way. I'll always remember her.. She was... truly inspirational. My teenage years were the best of my life apart from the birth of my son. They shaped me to who I am today... I learned so much. Loved with all my heart & had the best people. The most beautiful people. Gold hearts, accepted me who I was. Tried to save me, a thousand arms to hold me but I never reached for them.. Life is short. I wish they only knew that I stuck around for them... <3 Just a thought..