Still Fighting

It's been nearly five months
Nearly five months since I last cut
Since I last purged
Since I last starved myself
Nearly five months since my last suicide attempt
It's been nearly five months since I've done any of that
And yet, I'm still fighting
I'm still fighting to hold on
To not let go
To not give in
I'm still fighting everyday to be happy
To smile
To not let my friends down
Yeah, I'm still fighting everyday
But you know what
It's been worth it
It's been worth it to have made so many new friends on this journey
To have so many people stand by my side
To appreciate me for who I am
To laugh with me during my brightest moments
And cry with me during my darkest hours
It's been great to have so much support
I don't know where I'd be without any of you
So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.