
Depressive poetry,
Thats how you know its me,
I've been waiting for my time to shine,
But its never been quite my time,

I try and try,
To no avail,
I try and try,
But I just can't hit the nail,

This never ending hope,
To try and be more then just the scope,
Of the lonely man I am,
But I am not a sham,

I've practiced my craft,
Spent hours upon hours,
Trying to make it perfect,
But was it ever worth it?

I have no one to play with,
Maybe me sharing this art is a myth,
I've dug deep and found nothing,
This soulless wretch must be something,

This may be worth a shot,
But trust me, I haven't found a lot,
In terms of something helpful,
Please god help me find someone useful,

I can't shake this funk I'm in,
I'm like a fish that just can't swim,
Floating to bottom of the glass,
I often wish this breath was my last,
I often wish I could take my life back.