Give and Take


I know this path from time immeroial
When merry notes sounded here
You stood by the way, I, as wayfarer, stepped forward
At your behest.
You told me ‘stars are lit there
Everyone asleep barring this night
I was, am and will remain by your side’
The path is still there
Only I’ve fallen by the wayside;
Earth is too vast
The centre you stood is no more there.

As student
I became obsessed with dilecticism, dialectic materialism
When I grew up I found stray dogs for role models
Superior beings, best safeguards, standing head and shoulder above
Everyone average,deigning to find partners
You won the test, I failed miserably
You were promoted to –
The 7th floor, Room no. 307, Healton Hotel
I had no refuge only the bare sky.

E= Mc2 . I was slashed right and left
Through out life my dull brain failed to perceive
How much courage does it require to visit you at Healton
Someone whispered to my ear can I turn my tail inside?
The night looked blank
I have not the tailess tail.