Raw Emotions

You walk through the front door in your education
No longer are you on semi-safe ground
Now it’s an open battle field where anything goes
Anything and everything is a weapon just waiting to be used
The next 12 years of your education is this battlefield
Everything goes no matter how small it may be
Each year the filed will get hard to survived through
You will watch people drop like rain
Not all of them that drop will crawl through the battle
Some will allow the darkness to engulf them so much
That death will seem like a wonderful gift

At first the weapons used against you won’t hurt too much
But watch out for those weapons will get sharper and stronger
As times goes on
Those once small wounds will grow and weep
Before you know it the darkness will start to creep in
Just waiting to strike at your lowest point
Once the darkness has it crawls in you
It won’t let go ever

Every nasty word, cruel remark, rumors, and hateful looks given
Cuts a bit deeper into your skin
The blood seeps at slow at first
You cover the wounds hoping that they will heal
Suddenly the bandages are ripped off slowly
Now the blood is running out of your body
The warmth you once knew is slowly disappearing
It’s become a struggle to get out of bed and face them
What’s the point since they are killing you slowly
No one knows how deep their words cut
How hard you try to appear invisible
Nothing works

Suddenly you push yourself to go into college
Surprisingly life has gotten a bit better
Than the battlefield is back
Much worse than before
Now they know everything about you
There no place to hide
Each night you lay in bed hoping tomorrow will be better
That maybe they will grow up

The next four years fly by in a blink of an eye
You now on your way to work
A place that makes the other battle fields looks nice
Nowhere you seem to turn is any better
Each new chapter brings more unbearable pain

You have watched to many loved ones take the easy way out
The thing is you know you can do better
If you fought this long than you can fight longer
Nothing will stop you from moving on
Not now, not ever
You will keep fighting

The day comes when the person who was a major supporter
In your life is no longer there
You wonder what the point in fighting is
It’s in the moment when you realize
That all those small cuts you received over the years
Are no longer small
But look more like chunks been taken out
All that is left are holes filled in with darkness

You look at the razor you placed on the table
Taking the easy route seems to be looking better and better
Since there is not left for you here
Right as you place the razor on your skin
Ready to end it all

You don’t push down on the razor
Instead you find hope within yourself
That you never once gave up

You kept fighting when others gave up
That alone is amazing
If you end it now what does that
Show those who look up in awe at your strength
That gives you the strength to keep pushing forward

Nothing will stop you from fighting
To move forward and keep given people the hope
That fighting and not taking the easy route out
Can help others keep fighting
No matter how hard it may be

That alone is enough to make you want to keep fighting
To move forward