Those eyes.
I've never really paid much attention to what color they are.
They're beautiful though.
Sometimes I find myself getting lost in them.

His hair.
The way it's parted to the side and falls in front of his eyes from time to time
I love that.

I love it when he teases me about the way I say certain words,
Or the stupid shit I say sometimes.

His smile.
The way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he laughs and smiles
I love it.

His laugh.
Even though it's goofy sometimes and sounds ridiculous occasionally,
It makes me smile a little.

The more I talk to him,
The more I see him,
The more he looks at me,
The more he looks into my eyes when he says something to me,
Makes me crave his attention more.

It's kind of like being a child,
And walking to an ice cream truck,
And seeing the ice cream that you want,
But you can't have it because your mom said no.

That's what this "friendship" feels like.
I'm the child,
He's the ice cream,
The mom is his feelings.