Blind Faith

Blind faith has been the worst pain
There is a storm brewing and headed this way
To drench us all in the rain

If you had any faith
Kindness in your heart you wouldn't let them drive us apart
We're different but the same

Yet we get all the blame
We'll go as we came
And when we're gone try not to need us again

How I'd wish he'd go away
Its dangerous and we're the one's who'll pay
The poor, the sick, the hungry

The words on Lady Liberty...
Do they mean nothing?
So expect fury

Expect mutiny
Because its an American tradition to punch Nazis in the face
We are one race

Under the Constitution of the United States
One you cannot replace
with your hate!
♠ ♠ ♠
I believe its clear as day what I am writing about and I did it ironically with patriotic flair.