

I see it everywhere.
I hear it in every breath;
I long for it.
I am so destructive,
a wrecking ball shattering
my own existence.
I am a disaster,
and yet I see it,
I can hear the stories,
and dream of it.
I am so lost;
I turned left a long time ago
when I should have turned around.
I see it in reflections,
and hear it in distant echoes,
Imagine some future possibility
where I earned it
I am not capable of anything
beyond seeing and hearing
and dreaming.
Because it’s staring at me,
screaming at me across the street,
etching itself into my imagination.
It does not approach me
because it knows what I know
It knows
that I see something I cannot have,
hear words I don’t deserve to hear,
hope for a future I will never achieve
because I do not know how
to experience it
to allow it into my world,
to feel the weight of it.
but it watches me,
whispers in my ear,
taunts me with what it could be
if I were anybody
other than me.