Sunshine Dreams

Everyone has dreams to make it big
in this crazy, and amazing world of ups
and downs I lay my head to rest
in my own cozy bed, I dream of my own dreams.

Some of my dreams are big and can only
exist in my mind's dreams.
In reality they are just considered impossible,
and crazy to do.

To me these dreams of publishing my own stories someday.
To travel to enchanting Denmark, to learn a new language,
and to meet Taylor Swift and my favorite authors
does sound like huge dreams to make come true,
but like how I have heard others say; "it's possible."
It's happened to other people around the world,
so I am sure it can also happen to me.

Striving towards my dreams
Is the only way that is going to make my sunshine dreams
come true.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is for anyone who thinks that big dreams are impossible to make come true in real life. We are often bombarded with negative comments from our family, friends, and other people telling us that we cannot make those huge dreams come true, they don't know that we can.