If It Is Not Enough

The flames are churning
The ashes are burning
My psyche goes up in smoke...
The thick clouds swirl overhead
Like a demon writhing in pain
I wouldn't care to see the sky again..

What has become of ME
Malignance, a prophecy of depression.
Put the gun to my head
Rather, give it to me
I'll show you what death
is Supposed to be..

Brand your lies into my skin
Remind me again why I sin
Show me the path
Relinquish my life, bring on the demise
Can't you see it in my eyes...
Such longing, all I crave
For the casket and the grave..

I feel you, I see you in the smoke above.
His whispers, his callings.
Incessant chanting for my end.
"Kill yourself," it says
"And kill all you love."
From the sky above
I can hear his voice.
Guised as a savior
But the mask can not hide
What we know deep inside
For the love of your god.
Put me in the ground..

I want to die
It is that simple
I no longer care to be alive
I no longer dare to see the sky
Just put me out of my misery

I know..You want it as much as me.
Plague my thoughts with monstrosities
Haunt my dreams with gore and death
Calling my name incessantly
Wondering if I will set you free
All it takes is killing me

I want to rip of my skin
Piece by little piece
To free myself of the itch for blood