Commit to Life

She was sitting in the hospital bed staring out the window. She wondered about all the things she could have done to prevent what's happening. She wanted more time to do all the things she didn't get a chance to do. At that moment her soulmate walks in. The pain in his eyes brought her to tears. She could handle going through this by herself, but she couldn't handle seeing him so vulnerable and hurt. She knew that within 3 weeks she will be gone from his life. The doctors words when he told her you will not survive this cancer didn't make her heart skip a beat like you see In the movies. It didn't make her cry or hold her chest from the impactful words. But his eyes soulless like she's never seen before brought her world down into a hell so dark that she could only feel his presence in the room. She did not want to leave him here alone going day by day thinking about someone as weak as her. Without realizing it her lips started moving. She knew the words she was saying but she could not control her mind or body at the moment. "Commit double suicide with me"