Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster
Up until now your life has been a roller coaster
UP, down
kcaB and forth
Upside down

You hold on with your knuckles turning white hoping the ride will be over soon
You grew up with your family for a few years yet to be taken away and placed into a new one

After being put into the new family they decide to adopt you and your sweet little curly brown haired, brown eyed little brother Finally happy
Then a few years later that happiness is taken from you because the family can’t handle you and your brother so you are kicked out and into another home

The Roller coaster does three more loops till you find a place to call home

One foster home
Six girls in the house, sharing a room with a stranger, trying to stay quiet and out of the way wondering when you would go back to the place you thought was home
One High level group home
All girls, tantrums every day, strict rules, a gate to keep everyone in, and even a school and church inside to keep everyone including yourself hidden from society
One Low level group home
6 homes with 6 people in each, 3 of the homes are male homes, 3 homes are female houses, less rules and more responsibilities than the last yet you don’t remember what your life was before all this anymore
One last Adoption
A family of four, wanting to take in a child, three visits with you and takes you in, introduces you as their daughter, eventually adopts you so you can be a part of their family as if you always were

At this point you are finally safe after you have moved more times than most people do in their entire lives
You pack, unpack, and pack again
Never having a home
Never having a place to call yours
A family to call yours yet you still need a home

You finally find love and find a home in your lover’s heart
He takes you into his arms and makes you safe and pulls you off the winding and looping roller coaster and becomes a fortress and protects you from the roller coaster
♠ ♠ ♠
Wrote for a poetry class