It Was Doomed From the Start

It was doomed from the start.
You knew it,
So did I.
Everyone knew it.
But we, ..we didn't listen.
We spent our days under the warm summer sun,
The cool Autumn leaves wrapping us in a blankets.
Diamond flakes mixed with holy preserving our bodies,
And last to where we fell apart.
Under the warm April sun where it all began.
We broke.
We broke with the ferocity of a flash flood, water like blood gushing from the wounds,
We rotted from the outside in.
Impurities replacing speech,
As the graceful dance that once was spoken fell apart like a old music box.
I still remember the metallic ring of its unspoken beauty.
Something so magical you never once thought it could rust.
Forcing your way in to hear its soft stroking notes.
And maybe my start was different then yours.
Because i feel its soft golden pull, and if i strain, i hear a note along the path of memories.
A note of false, true promise.
The world now,
The darkened water chews and pulls,
But only my hands could undo the knot of gold around my neck.
We rotted from the outside in.
Or at least you did.
I still hold my note of gold.
And ill play it at our funeral.
Ill play the memory that lives in the seasons,
The song of ever lasting wonder and hardship
The song that we sung and you forgot.
Ill play it until the metal rusts, and rots me from the inside out.