Becoming a Bully

I was carefree, I played many a game,
Even though quite frequently the game was the same,
Back then I believed my parents when they said,
We love you,” As I was tucked into bed.

I was a total idiot - my family didn’t love me,
It was all a trick - I was as foolish as can be,
My parents fought. . . and one fateful night,
Dad got up and left us - saying leaving was in his right.

It was then that I worked out why he went,
The answer hit me like wet cement,
He left because of me. ME!
I was as shocked - as if I’d spilled hot tea.

Knowing this, I transformed swiftly,
Soon everyone at school knew my name - knew me!
I’d changed into a big bad bully - and I’m quite glad,
I can stay like this forevermore - forever mad at my Dad.