
They say the mind is a powerful thing
That if you believe yourself
And believe in the good of reality
They say you can change anything

I wish to keep my head clear
Ignore the end growing near
Put to rest my every fear
Embrace things I hold dear

Depression has me down so low
Basement of rock bottom
When my feelings start to show
I hit the fucking bottle

My reality is bleak, I can't fucking breathe
Trying to stop the things that are killing me
Trying to hope for a better day
Maybe tomorrow has blessings to bring.

The nightmares come alive
Theyre haunting me at night
When I thought I'd be alright
My dreams will be of hell tonight

What's wrong with me
That I cannot empower myself
Cannot move forward
Stuck in this hell

I look to the sky, I know that I
Will own everything I want
Someday I will conquer the means
And live happily my dreams

I need to turn the lights on
Expose the dark
Free my mind of obscurity
Allow myself to be at peace
I cry when it escapes me
I'm so weathered down
I'll pound the fucking ground
Scream at the top of my lungs
I want peace! I am DONE!
My mind can't handle much more
Of being underneath the gun

Depression hits the mark
Out comes the whiskey
We are back at the start.
Drinking my sorrows
To nullify my heart
I'd weep tears of blood
Tears of an everlasting feud
Frustrations getting skewed
I want to be anew
But I live in a cage of doubt
Of hate, and misery.

My mind traps my reality
To be a horrible cycle of darkness
And I just fucking want OUT!!!