When I Was a Kid...

How would I frame that?
When I thought things were optimistic and all things permissible
When I thought that I had the time to do all things,
When I thought that life was a circle with no end,
When I believed in whatever God there was for children,

I thought… no, that was a lie,
I didn’t have thoughts, I only felt…
But that isn’t even accurate at all either,

Children don’t exist, like those above them do,
They don’t age, like those above them do,
They don’t die, like those above them do,
I wanted everything and everyone,
I wanted to be anything and do anything,
I wanted…. No, no.

No, not I…
I is the problem with this whole thing,
There was no I, there was ..
♠ ♠ ♠
How can you quantify the quality of the life a child? How can you gauge the worth of the memories of a child and the value of their mind?

How can you pretend that the life of a child is as dynamic as is believed?