I Hope She Makes You Happy

She's beautiful
Prettier than I could ever imagine
I can tell she's "your type"
As the two of us share a similar description
I'm sure she's smart
Your age, I believe?
I don't think she'll mention it,
But I asked her a favor
Though we've never met face to face,
I want her to keep you happy,
Happier than I ever could.
So, hold her close, darling,
Like you did for me through rough times,
And please treat her with kindness
For if she keeps my favor,
You ought to do the same for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a two part poem pertaining to my breakup with my boyfriend of four years; the second part pertains to the man that I'm moving on with. This first part was aimed at him as I saw that he's already started a new relationship with someone due to my suggestion of us potentially seeing other people in case we decide not to get back together. It hurt a little bit, seeing him move on that quickly, but from all the nice things I've heard about her, I'm sure she'll be able to do exactly what I asked. I was polite with my message, only asking that small bit of her, and I thanked her for being by his side.

I only ever want his happiness; I broke him and I'm just glad that she was there to sweep up the pieces.