
Can you hear the horses? 
The hoofbeat heartbeats pound as I rest 
my head upon your chest. There's no time to ride! 
The car exhales in the garage while we consider 
an endgame. Carbon monoxide gathers, silent 
in lethality – the best in you was the worst in me. 
Can you hear the horses? 
The hoofbeats and stairs-creaks tell me 
you won’t be coming back to bed tonight. Did you 
advertise your emotions in your dreams?  You try 
to hide romance behind cigarettes and red wine, but 
these nights are told by black spots and loneliness.  
Can you hear the horses? 
Oh, I wish you'd ride your dark horse through town again. 
It's alright – I love waiting for time to pass. Someday you'll 
come around and the walls won't hang around to hear. 
You can have a day – you can have a lifetime, but the pain 
is gone and the carbon monoxide tastes foul to me.