There is a Darkness and Hope in Everyone

There is a darkness

There is a darkness in everyone
You may not know it
But it is there
It is always there
There is a darkness in every action you make
You may not intend it
You may be kind
But it is there
It is always there
There is a darkness in every kind act you make
You may love
You may be kind
But it is there
It is always there
You can not escape
There is a darkness in everyone
You may deny it you may not know
But there is no escape you can never escape
Because there is always darkness
It is there
It is always there
In everyone

There is always hope on the other side

You may feel alone
You may be sad
But you never falter
You never stop
You aim high for your goals
Higher than the rest
Even if there is darkness
There is always a flicker of light
There is always a flicker of hope
You never give up
You stay strong
You are strong there is a always a light
At the end of the dark, dark tunnel
You stay strong
It is always there
You may try to deny it
But you can’t
Because it is always there
And Even in your darkest moments you never falter because there is always hope on the other side
♠ ♠ ♠
Most of the time when I write, a little story starts in my head and the more write I can just keep going. Which means all my stories are made up on the spot. Most of them are just how I view life and everything around me.