Moving On

I have grown in my short time here on Earth under the watchful eye of my father
But now that I am grown up now is the time to let me go and move on with my life
Now is not the time to hold me back from growing even more just because you’re not ready
You don’t try to guilt trip me, bribe me, or try to convince me to stay just so you don’t lose your baby girl
You should be happy that I am trying to move on and be an adult
You should be teaching me these last few things I need to know to survive the world out there
You shouldn’t be making me stressed to the point I’m losing hair
You shouldn’t be making my anxiety and depression act up with your words just because you don’t want to let me go
You shouldn’t be making me feel like I’m doing something wrong with wanting to move
You should be happy that you raised a daughter that is ready to leave the nest
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this poem because I am trying to relieve some of my stress I had accumulating over the last month from my father trying everything he can to make sure i don't move out of the house