She Will Destroy Me. My Enemy Is I.

I am my own worst enemy.
I look into the mirror.
All I see is death in me.
Standing there is my killer.
Looking straight through me.

She sees me for me
Not this mask I put on regularly.
She knows I fear her,
She knows I see,
How close to death,
I'm willing to get.

I can no longer hold this barrier against me.
She knows I'm weak.
She strikes in deep.
She strikes and strikes again.

Till you run out of breath..
Till you stumble to the ground,
Till you have no fight in you,
Till you become no more.

She's been waiting for this day,
This day of ending our misery.
Hate and violence have made them desperate for peace.
Peace from this pain they endure daily.

"No harm will be done"
Or so she says..
"We need to go, we need to leave. We're both so tired, why can't you see!?"
She screams in my ear,
Then fights out of fear.

I realise this is in my head,
There is no she only I...
However I feel a tare thats left behind
From the battle of me, myself and I.

I look down and see open wounds...
she had won...
How did I not realise my enemy had snuck up so close..
That I had lost the fight.

She killed me and I her.
It's finally ended!
Peace is all we both have ever wanted.