Moving On

You hurt me.
More than anyone.
I thought we were friends.
But I guess I was wrong.
You were my rock.
My ride or die.
But than as the years passed.
Our friendship faded.
You chose others.
I was the convenience.
I tried to forgive you.
But you kept tearing me apart.
You lie to me.
You talk behind my back.
But to my face you're an angel.
But you're the devil in disguise.
We were like sisters.
But you ripped me apart.
You threw me to the lions.
You were using me from the start.
I'm moving on now.
I realized you're not worth it.
If you think you're gonna keep hurting me.
You can go fuck yourself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Based on a true story.

layout credit: Formaldehyde.