
Be quiet.
I'm trying to think about the past.
I'm trying to sort everything out
And I can't hear my thoughts
Over your loud voice.

I need to get to my safe place
I need to go back
To a time when things were good
When I was hiding in my treehouse
When I was able to just breathe
To just hear the birds and feel the sunlight
On my cold, pale face.

I need to remember her
Holding me in her arms
I need to pretend she's with me now
Saying "stay with me, honey, stay.
Don't let their voices take you away."

But I can't stay with her
You keep taking me away.
You make it so hard
So fucking hard to focus
To hear my own thoughts

So fucking hard
To be okay.
I taste blood on my tongue,
I'm biting it so hard
Keeping myself from screaming at you
To shut the fuck up.
So I can go back
To my treehouse.