The Search

I am nothing more or less than a miserable, frightened creature.
A weakling and a non-entity adrift and tossed by the waves.
Indiscriminate hate is the worst thing there is.
Hatred does not lie in my nature.
So much masochism.

I am bursting apart at the seams.
Every outlet was blocked.
Why am I so out of touch?
Reality is not entirely real to me.
We all seek Paradise and the Absolute.

Doing a puzzle.
All I need to do is "be".
Lose myself.
Sometimes I am there, too.
Oh, what nonsense.

I don't really know anything.
So many inhibitions.
Knowledge is power.
So much fear of letting go.
I felt liberated.

Life always gains the upper hand
Full of courage and full of ideas.
One single thought
An irrepressible objective curiosity.
What are you thinking of?

There is a really deep well inside of me.
Often stones and grit block the well.
But to gain some clarity
Until it overshadows all the rest
The knowledge that leads to wisdom and true happiness.

Unshakable self-confidence
Same level of intensity
Presents you with a real task
Everything is chance, or nothing is chance
Washed through by history.

Life itself must be our fountainhead.
We are but hollow vessels.
In it dwells God.
I fell under the spell of the inner freedom.
Yet deep down something like a tightly wound ball of twine binds me relentlessly.

Bring order to my inner chaos.
I feel every day anew.
May I walk a little way with you?
Man is body and soul.
Body and soul are one.

His spirit is a mask
Along the contours of our age
Look farther inside.
I listened, all surrender
Wrapped up in a cloud
I have stopped crying.

Listen to your inner voice.
Capture life in formulas of your own
Allowing yourself to be embraced by life.
It is like the final, liberating scream that always sticks bashfully in your throat when you make love.
Now I can face it all.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a known as a found poem, where the words are lines pulled exactly as they are in phrase and structure from other places where they are found and rearranged and integrated into a coherent piece of art that conveys the poet's meaning, emotion and understanding. These were found in Kate Chopin's The Awakening as part of a college assignment about searching for the divine. the poem explores divinity, the sacred, and existentialism related to those realities. Written in 2000.