
One answer
without a question.
Is it enough?

To wake you up
in the morning,
Or get you through
the day?
Does it give you strength?

Three minutes are left,
but a dozen things to do.
You are harried.
Support is a luxury,
but you know what to do
How do you do it?

Fortitude does not
spring forth from nowhere.
It is grown
from a spark
Given to you by
a person or event.
You know where it
came from but
Do you acknowledge it?
Four friends
and a walk down the street
To cap a hard day
with the soft light of a street lamp.
Thank you.

Three years of training
in an art long left behind,
The real lesson
far beneath the surface,
Pain endured lives with me
but the memories long forgotten.
Thank you.

Two choices
and I always took the easy one.
Too many times
I rejected your offer;
Laughed it off,
But you never gave up
And it rubbed off.
Thank you.

One simple message
at the end of a rough day
and all it says is
Thank you.

Thank you.