
There are many ways
That I could form my words
And say to you those things
Which I hold in my heart

Yet none of the words I say
Can possibly melt away
The fervent disdain
To which I hold myself

I made a promise
Its entirety it did not keep
And try as I might to make it right
My demon was my sleep

I know my absence caused you harm
And deterred our final goal
And know you this – you’ll not be penalized
For my own simple flaw

I cannot give that back to you
Which has finished and gone by
And no petition great or small
Can fix things gone awry

So now to you does my fate rest
And grade me as is fit
For my lack was to you harm
And I apologize

I am sorry –
And I am sorry that
That cannot mean
More than just mere words.
♠ ♠ ♠