Your Words Mean Everything to Me

I think you're cute; here's my number.

That was what you said to me,
That fateful night the world brought you to me.
I had been living in a relationship that I was disconnecting from.

You look cute.

The next day,
The day you took me on our first date.
I couldn't stop blushing.

Shut up, bitch.

The former boyfriend told me that night,
I was still living at his house,
And I had stayed out late just to be with you.

You're so beautiful.

You told me that third night,
As I laid in the dark with you,
Our lips meeting again and again at 3 am.

You should have came home.

Was the first few words I heard from the former,
When I walked into his house,
The day before I left him for you.

I still love you; I always will.

What you told me,
That day you left me for her,
But I didn't lose you for long.

I want you back.

The former said,
Even though I remembered the multiple times,
I tried to force a compliment from his filthy mouth.

Please, stay the night.

You asked,
The day before we got back together,
And I laid in your bed, curled up next to you.

I love you.

You said, two weeks after we got back together,
We both feared saying the word,
She tried to take you away again and I wasn't about to let her.

Everything is going to be fine, babe.

You slurred in a monotone voice,
Nine beers down,
And I was scared.

I'm going to miss you.

You whispered in my ear as I hugged you tightly,
You were leaving me for 28 days,
Just to get better.

You're gorgeous.

You laughed, happily,
The first weekend I saw you,
As you held me tight.

I think I love you more than I ever did her.

You said, as tears ran down my face.
I had admitted that how I felt about you wasn't the same as the former,
I love you so much it scares me.

I love you always.

You wrote in a little notebook,
That we pass notes in,
I had the happiest tears in my eyes that morning.

My beautiful girl.

You said last night,
Your hand rubbing my leg,
As I laid curled up next to you.

See, I'm not used to the compliments,
Even though you've given me so many,
Because after the torment of four years,
You've changed my whole life for the better.

I see my future with you.

I'll say proud, I'll say to you.
I'll give you my love.
Forever and always.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this on a whim honestly, which is why it isn't perfect. Mine and Kevin's anniversary of getting back together is tomorrow; three months have flown by so quickly. After he called me, "his beautiful girl," last night though, I realized how much he compliments me and makes me feel better about myself compared to my previous relationship. He makes me feel like I'm able to be myself and even though I'm still getting adjusted to all these compliments, I feel great. I feel like a better person. I'm not down and dragging in the mud like I was when I was with the former; that's perfect.