Taken for granted

You played me like a slot machine
I was supposed to be treated like a queen
I loved you more than my own dreams
Now all I do is scream
I feel like I have broken strings
Because of you I lost my wings
You never had my back
But yet I still picked up your slack
I lost myself being with you
That's probably why I never grew
The old me died with you
Now I have no clue what to do
I fear I'll always be lost
I'm always acting soft
I just want my heart to be frost bitten
to keep my emotions well hidden
You can't see what you did to me
All you care about is being free
And that's okay just to a degree
but that's why you'll always be lonely
You're never going to be a trophy
Just a huge phony
You try so hard to be different
But that just makes you more generic
I can't be sympathetic
Because you're just pathetic
You don't deserve my respect