Love Blind

Love can make you blind sometimes
I've known that to be true
But that's not until I met you
When I met you
I never could have imagined
that I'd fall in love
That I'd be so attached to another person
And never want to give them up
I never thought that I would put someone else's needs before my own
I never thought that I would find a place that I could call my home
I never thought that I'd lose myself in a guy
A lot of things that I never pictured
And now my only question is why ??
Why did I want to be in love ?
To only end up getting hurt
Why did he choose to leave me ?
At the point that I thought we were so happy
Why did he cheat on me ?
Was I not good enough ?
Too boring ? Or clingy ?
There's no right answer to these questions
Not even close
And to be honest
I don't think I even want to know
But at that point I had to grow
All the pain that I suffered I was just a girl
But it was time that I learned
That love can make you blind sometimes
For all those girls crying at night
Don't ever ask yourself why ?