Writer's Block

Not able to utter a word
Not able to muster a sound
I let my fingers fall against the keys
Clicking and clattering rhythmically
The insert cursor just blinking
On my empty Word document
Classical music played distantly in my headphones
But I couldn’t fall under its spell
Or pull the thoughts from my head
But they were all there
And they were flitting around like spring birds
Chirping persistently
Aggravating me
Strutting across tree limbs in arrogance
As I stood on the ground below
Hands out reached
Trying with all my might to catch them
When the keys finally started to work
As the blinking cursor moved to the right
And words materialized
They didn’t paint the pictures I envisioned
The substrate was the wrong press
With the wrong weight
The medium was too runny
Too thick
It all just felt
Too wrong
For days
I wrote
Meaningless nonsense over
And over
And yet over again
Trying to fashion the words in the correct array
Trying to catch those haughty birds
Trying to prove that the paintings I saw
Were as beautiful as I felt they were
But I typed
And retyped till my printer was out of