
Your sleep-deprived face weeps in the shadows,
Afraid of all you have ever loved.
Upon the crashing shores, you linger.
Afraid to drown, but tethered still.
A painting, weathered by time gazes on,
Locked in chains you turn back,
Terrified of all that cages you.
A cold light trembles,
Far beyond the horizon.
Eyes locked steady, holding still
You feel the ocean’s spray.
The trembling silence
Pushed beneath the clouds,
Your thoughts are there to drown you,
And seek to drag you down.
Upon the edge you float,
Watching the ragged sea.
The winds destroy your flesh,
The water melts your bones.
You gasp for air but find none left,
You need no breath to hold,
Freezing in the numbing ice,
You scream into the nothing.
Voice raw, you are begging
To never again feel the urge
To suffer your own wrath,
To be the scourge of your own flesh.
♠ ♠ ♠
TW: self harm, depression