Fortuitous Loss

I’m gonna miss you like I have never missed anyone
Not even my very own kind when I left them for new homes
Not even my broken heart has left me feeling this low
I’m going to miss you, your smile, I’m never shy anymore

You taught me in this year of life to be truthful on my own
You made indents like old scars over the memories gone
I used to think of the stars like far away, unreachable
Now I know they are inside of the purest of our souls

When I was young, I had everything I loved betrayed and lost
I learnt at an early age to not give trust like pop songs
Then you happen at this stage, when my heart’s covered in dust
Soon they will tear you away, I’ll lay in this yard of bones

Soon to be silenced, I fear for the days that are to come
When I am no longer near the light of your endless sun
I will not cry, that’s so weak, I have to prove myself strong
I’m coming off insincere, but I am speaking sad words

You called today and I felt like I’ve never felt before
What is this race in my veins? I thought I was old enough
Turns out we’re all willing prey for the troubles of young love
I said: “I’m going insane, but I better get the ropes”

What I thought a dying flame suddenly becomes an oath
Wildfire runs through my veins and I am lost in this world
I haven’t met this one yet, this feeling soaring my soul
It fuels the lines off my pen, ink-stained nails scratch over notes

I am so helpless right now, I hardly know how to cope
You’ll never know from my mouth how much you’re part of my core
We’ll part in this one lifetime, but I won’t ever lose hope
For the first time it feels right, but soon it’ll be said and done.
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I'm about to lose someone very important to me, after a long time of teaching myself not to care too much for anybody. Sometimes you just meet people, and they just happen to you. I never told him how much he means to me, and I probably never will, 'cause there's no way he'll feel the same. We're just good friends, there's no need to mess that up.