
The crowd were boring at the bar,
With little charm or taste,
I sat quietly and read,
As I had much time to waste.

Complaining - as they always have,
Occasionally glanced my way,
I smiled in my oblivion,
Without words I wished to say.

Spoke of how things always were,
"They were better way-back-when",
"Life was so much simpler",
"Compared to now and then".

A fool, I would have been to speak,
As a fool never would have heard,
And to argue with a fool,
In itself would be absurd.

"In my day, that would not happen",
"The youth of today...you know",
I thought -"if it was all so brilliant,
Then where did it all go?".

A fool - is beyond a reason,
Cannot decline a fight,
Will argue with his shadow,
In the middle of the night.

I thought -"best not to interject",
They had likely had a few,
and to argue with a fool,
Only proves that there are two.